
Reconnect with your Brothers and chapter

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Provide your up-to-date contact information so we can effectively communicate with you about happenings at Phi Delta Theta.


Do you have interest in working with the chapter as a volunteer or mentor? We’re always looking for alumni to support the chapter.

Search for a Brother

Visit myPhiDelt to utilize our brother search and connect with fellow Phis.

A Message from Our Alumni Volunteer

Become some of the first Alumni of this Chapter! Having a young Alumni base may seem like a negative for many fraternities, but for Phi Delta Theta, a young Alumni base is an active Alumni base. We currently have a professional rugby player, an ESPN Producer, and several other established alumni in just our short life here at Arkansas State University. The Alumni help in ways such as volunteering to be on the Advisory Board, donating equipment for events and offering solid advice from what they learned while they were a member.